Tires in the night

May 28, 2024

luxury italian shoes from the IGN Joseph online shop

Michelin is not only known for its prestigious stars awarded to exclusive dining establishments. Alongside Pirelli and Bridgestone, the French manufacturer produces some of the highest-grade tires available for the road. Serious drivers ensure that their cars’ “feet” only wear the best.

Shoe culture has evolved significantly over the centuries, but feet remain essentially the same. Manufacturing techniques and the athletic and sports culture of the late 20th century have promoted mass-produced footwear and the ubiquitous athletic shoe, or “sneaker.” Choosing shoes for street wear is both a functional and stylistic consideration.

When setting aside the daily drive or stroll, comfort and rest become governed by personal taste rather than road or pavement conditions. Not only for night, but relaxing hours at home or in a hotel abroad are opportunities to pamper the feet without sacrificing elegance. Handmade Italian slippers are perfect for the trail from bed to breakfast or evening entertainment, as well as a nightcap with friends. They warm the feet in cooler climates and add traction indoors. There is no reason to be tired in these tires for the night.

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